The owner and management team is highly qualified, competent, proactive, vision-oriented and well-focused with a mixture of rich educational backgrounds.

At the campus, the school has an establishment of a system of management where internal procedures are set to develop policies and procedures for all school processes.

We have a five year strategic plan (I.T.S KIGALI Strategic Plan 2018-2023), a roadmap to achieving a strategic objectives and priorities. This strategy enables the school to re-align I.T.S KIGALI curriculums on continuous basis so as to produce graduates who are able to meet the expectations of the industry and are relevant at all times.


As a full vocational training school, I.T.S Kigali caters for students from PLE ‘O’ Level irrespective of economic status, gender and family background. The school will also have unique facilities to cater for with vulnerability.

It is a special place to be for students as a community focused school.  It enables trainees to develop quality relationships with trainers and peers, provide a significant range of learning and leadership opportunities for every student and also able to cater for every student’s needs. Our initiatives are designed to create a unique learning hub for our students within a caring and supportive learning environment.

Campus development

I.T.S Kigali transformation linewith passion for the community

The lives of our students and the wider community we serve are at the center of what I.T.S Kigali takes great pride in the difference we make. I.T.S Kigali is continually determined to provide exceptional services and to continue to make a positive contribution to the economic, social and cultural life in Rwanda.

Over the last 14 years we have achieved a lot by investing in our estate and over the next one decade we hope to continue to improve and transform our campus by providing an even better teaching and learning experience, and upgraded facilities for students, staff and the local community.