International Technical school of KIGALI (I.T.S KIGALI) On 14th June 2019 their visits Museum of Environment located in Western Province ,Karongi District

Guide Explain Our GALAXY

This Museum educate the public on how to keep a good conversation relationship with their natural environment and to let them understand their responsibility in safeguarding the environment to ensure an integrated and durable development.

Guide Explain why we have trees and flowers and it’s Use in Our everyday life
-Photo by Diocles Dizone-

Our Student also visit LAKE KIVU for viewing an Island that are in lake KIVU

Student in Boat at LAKE KIVU
-Photo by Diocles Dizone-

Student in Boat at LAKE KIVU
-Photo by Diocles Dizone-

Student at island
-Photo by Diocles Dizone-

island in LAKE KIVU
-Photo by Diocles Dizone-

Culinary Art